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IEP Team Meeting Facilitation

What is the role of the facilitator?


A facilitator in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and productive functioning of the process. Their primary objective is to promote effective communication, collaboration, and shared decision-making among all participants involved in the IEP team.


Procedures for IEP Team Meeting Facilitation in Georgia:


*The rule for formal complaints can be found in the State Education Rules at 160-4-7-.12 Dispute Resolution.


  • Parents or district personnel may initiate the process by completing the IEP Team Meeting Facilitation Request form.

  • Both the parties (district and parents or student if 18 years or older) must agree to participate.

  • A complete and signed request form and notice of meeting must be submitted to the GaDOE at least 7-10 days before the scheduled IEP Team meeting.

  • Upon approval, a facilitator will be provided at no cost to the parent or district.


In this international feature, "Lawyer Monthly" featured experienced special education litigator Nicole Hull, who explores the struggles faced by children and families during the litigation process and how her practice works to achieve the best possible outcome for those with no other recourse through the use of dispute resolution.

What are some benefits of IEP Team Meeting Facilitation?


Utilizing a facilitator in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings offers several valuable benefits that contribute to the overall success of the process. Here are some key advantages:


Neutral and Impartial Guidance: A facilitator serves as a neutral party who does not have a vested interest in the outcome of the meeting. This impartiality helps create a balanced and unbiased environment, fostering trust among all participants. The facilitator's guidance ensures that discussions remain focused, respectful, and fair, promoting effective collaboration and decision-making.


Improved Communication and Understanding: The facilitator's role is to enhance communication among IEP team members. They encourage active listening, help clarify viewpoints, and promote understanding between parents, educators, specialists, and administrators. By facilitating clear and constructive communication, a facilitator ensures that all perspectives are considered and that everyone has a voice in the decision-making process.


Enhanced Collaboration and Consensus: A facilitator promotes a collaborative approach, encouraging team members to work together towards shared goals and objectives. They facilitate brainstorming sessions, assist in identifying common ground, and guide the team towards consensus. By fostering a spirit of collaboration, the facilitator helps create IEPs that reflect the collective input and agreement of the team.


Efficient Meeting Process: IEP meetings can be complex and time-consuming. A facilitator ensures that the meeting stays focused, adheres to the agenda, and progresses efficiently. They help manage the discussion flow, ensuring that all necessary topics are addressed and allowing the team to make informed decisions within the allocated time frame. This efficiency maximizes the productivity of the meeting and minimizes unnecessary delays.


By employing a facilitator in IEP meetings, educational teams can benefit from impartial guidance, improved communication, enhanced collaboration, efficient meeting processes, and comprehensive documentation. These advantages contribute to the development of meaningful, inclusive, and effective IEPs that support the educational needs and success of students with special needs.

How Do I Request a Facilitated IEP Team Meeting?

To complete a IEP Team Meeting Facilitation Request Form, please click here or contact the Georgia Special Education Help Desk via phone at 404-656-3963 or email at

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